A US Border Patrol Agent catches an illegal alien in the bushes right by the border fence, he pulls him out and says:
“Sorry, you know the law, you’ve got to go back across the border right now.”
The mexican man pleads with them, “No, noooo Senior, I must stay in de USA! Pleeeze!”
The Border Patrol Agent thinks to himself, I’m going to make it hard for him and says: “Ok, I’ll let you stay if you can use 3 english words in a sentence”
The Mexican man of course agrees.
The Border Patrol Agent tells him, “The 3 words are: Green, Pink and Yellow. Now use them in 1 sentence.”
The Mexican man thinks really hard for about 2 minutes, then says, “Hmmm, Ok. The phone, it went Green, Green, Green, I Pink it up and sez Yellow?”